Fake work and real work
Fake work and Real work
Donald Trump is famous for his pet phrase “Fake News”. It reminds people be careful about the existence of a certain kind of news. Open your eye and think before believing in what you see and hear rushingly.
Working has the same scenario.
This weekend I haven’t finished what I’ve planned to do. Not due to time limit. I spent more than 3 hours doing some trivial things fiddling with the Ghost theme configure.
How to change font? How to change font size? How to display more than 5 post in home page? etc.
And my droplet on digital ocean seems unstable. Sometimes it runs time out. So I searching tons of information trying to solve it.
The work above are just FAKE work.
Fake work is attractive but dangerous. It’s easy to be indulged in, forging an illusion that you are working hard and making a progress.
Bullshit. Actually it’s no different with swiping smartphone on Ticktok.
What I should do? Just let it go.
When the intention arises, hold on, ignore it. Don’t give it a fuck.
Stick to your goal and plan.
Put the focus on the REAL work.